Fragrance World Just Azraq 50ml

  • Fragrance World Just Azraq 50ml

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  • Fragrance World Just Azraq - the scent begins with a clean lavender mist, with traces of cardamom and black pepper emerging in its violet snares. The heart of the Fragrance World Just Azraq fragrance opens with a mysterious oriental aura enveloped in incense smoke. And their soft and thick shine is complemented by earthy and solid patchouli colors. The strong, masculine character of the fragrance eventually evolves to reveal the depth and warmth of vanilla and fragrant tonga bean. An aroma inspired by eternity, power and recklessly exciting addiction allows you to feel an even more intense continuation of the scent. And the released warmth, clean sweetness and depth set this fragrance apart from the others. Its seductive, dry and smoky echo reveals the attitude of a modern, charismatic and exceptional man. Therefore, Fragrance World Just Azraq perfume is a mythical fragrance for a man who becomes a legend today.

    Aroma notes:

    Top notes - cardamom, black pepper, lavender.

    Middle notes - incense, patchouli.

    Main notes - fragrant tonga bean, vanilla.   

    Warning! For external use only. Avoid contact with eyes. Do not use if you have an individual intolerance to one of the components or if you have damaged skin.

    © 2024 Arabic Perfumes Jesaida. Without the consent of MB Jesaida, it is forbidden to copy and distribute the information on the website. 

    United Arab Emirates
    Fragrance World
    For men
    Capacity (ml)
    A family of fragrances
    Fresh Oriental